Friday, January 25, 2013

First Blog

In the short story The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, the main character is a Native American that's being judge upon his race. One night he goes into 7-11 to buy a Creamsicle and as soon as the clerk sees him he instantly thinks he is a armed robber since he looks "dangerous". Soon while paying for the Creamsicle the Native American man tries to start small talk but he can easily tell that the man feels threaten. Also, another way that the man is being judge upon his race was when he got stopped by the police officer and the officer tells him that he doesn't look like the profile of the neighborhood. All the man was trying to do was blow some steam off since him and his girlfriend got into an argument.Living with his girlfriend who is white and with him being native american and with the area being mostly white I could imagine that he gets judged a lot. 

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