Monday, April 8, 2013

Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

For English class we are assigned to read Adventures of Kavalier and Clay,so we can write our last essay for the class. I have been busy with school and work and haven't even started reading yet. Well, i have read part one like two times, but I just can't get into the book because it doesn't interest me. I've realized that I am not the only one that hasn't started the book in fact there's several people that haven't either. I wouldn't say it's a bad case of procrastination it's time management I guess. My other classes require me to read the class textbooks for upcoming test and quizzes  For an example, my history teacher expects us to spend at least 3 hours reading and studying for his tests and that gets tiring I have online classes which require me to read and take quizzes on what I've read.Also, I have to work I am a waitress and I have to stand on my feet for hours with barely a break and by the time I get off work I'm so exhausted, but I have to come back to school and study. I don't know maybe I am procrastinating but it's not enough time in one day! 

1 comment:

  1. The novel does get better. I have finished it and it actually was really good.
