Friday, April 26, 2013
Finished with my blogs
Monday, April 8, 2013
Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
For English class we are assigned to read Adventures of Kavalier and Clay,so we can write our last essay for the class. I have been busy with school and work and haven't even started reading yet. Well, i have read part one like two times, but I just can't get into the book because it doesn't interest me. I've realized that I am not the only one that hasn't started the book in fact there's several people that haven't either. I wouldn't say it's a bad case of procrastination it's time management I guess. My other classes require me to read the class textbooks for upcoming test and quizzes For an example, my history teacher expects us to spend at least 3 hours reading and studying for his tests and that gets tiring I have online classes which require me to read and take quizzes on what I've read.Also, I have to work I am a waitress and I have to stand on my feet for hours with barely a break and by the time I get off work I'm so exhausted, but I have to come back to school and study. I don't know maybe I am procrastinating but it's not enough time in one day!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

So I'm guessing we are wrapping up the poetry section of
class now. The poems we've read were pretty good actually compared to the
previous ones I've read throughout high school. At first when we got to the
poetry section I thought we'd be reading a lot of older poems and just poems
that I wouldn't be able to understand. I think its cool how one simple little
poem with very few lines and have several meanings and interpretations. Also,
poetry can have various styles, which I like since when I normally think of
poetry I think of long sad poems. I actually got a little excited when I
started reading the poems and could understand them, because I think I try too
hard to analyze the poems while the meaning is right in front of my face, which
I realize that a lot of people do the same. When I read poetry I think the
meaning is supposed to always have deep meanings or meanings along the inspiration
line. To me my favorite poem that we've read for homework/in class was We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks. Not
just because it was short in length but because it was short but straight to
the point and it was about teens back years ago and I thought it was cool that
the poem has the meaning in today’s time.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Dog Poems
In class today we went over the dog poems Sweeney assigned
us to read over the weekend. At first I was thinking okay, what the world are
dog poems. When we discussed the poems we were told that the poems were told in
the dogs' perspective, so it was like the dog wrote the poem. In a way it is
kind of weird because I've never read such a thing. The poem I liked the most
was Beau: Golden Retrievals, to me it was about a dog bringing his owner from
the past to the present. The dog and his owner are walking in the park while
the dog is focusing on the present the owner is more focused on the past. The
dog barks at his owner to try to snap him back into the present. Reading that
poem makes me think of when I was younger and used to try to understand and
make up what I thought my dog thought about me, my family, and other things
that was going on. Also, when I was younger when I used to leave my dog in the
house alone I used to turn on the movie Air Bud so he’d have something to do
while I was gone, I wonder what he thought about that.
Friday, March 29, 2013
In class today we were assigned groups to read poems and
talk about it with the class. My group picked the poem The Fish written by
Elizabeth Bishop. My group decided that it was about a fisherman who went
fishing and on his line he caught an old fish. When the fisherman caught the
fish he described how the fish didn't fight to get off the hook, and the fish
just hung on the line. The fish is described as being an older fish. I think
that since the fish has been caught so many times the fisherman had sympathy
for the fish and just let him be back in the ocean and let the fish receive
another chance at life. It's kind of related to people now a day, because
people have struggled and fought so long it's always room for that last fight.
The Road Not Taken
Today in class we went over the poems that were assigned for
class. The poem that was my favorite was The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.
The Road Not Taken is about the character making a decision on which path to
take. There is one path that everyone takes and there is another which is
rarely used. I think Robert Frost was making a connection with everyday life,
because every day you are faced with a choice, and don't always take the path
that everyone else is going it's always good to make your own decisions and
choices. Although we aren't able to see the future and see the outcome of the
decision we've made always pick what you want to do, so next time if you are in
the same situation you've already learned about the other path.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
For homework we were to read
three poems that were assigned in our lit reader. Of the three poems assigned
my favorite one was Harlem by Langston Hughes. Langston Hughes was a poet
during the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s. The poem Harlem is about a dream
that has been deferred. From my point of view I viewed the poem as in
meaning what happens when you dream and just sit around and not go through with
your dreams. When he says "or does it explode, I think he means does the
dream just go away because you never went through with it the dream just sat
around. I think I liked this poem a lot, because it put me in the mind set to
push myself to the goals that I want to accomplish short term as well as long
term. Also, the poem gives you different feelings/ emotions on how it feels
when dreams get deferred. This poem was short and straightforward without any
hidden messages which you had to think and make up what you think happened or
could of happened, but I do wonder since Langston Hughes wrote this poem did a
dream of his ever get deferred and what influenced him to write this poem.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
We Real Cool
In class we were assigned groups today and in each group we had to pick a poem to read aloud and explain to the class. My groups poem was We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks. My group all agreed on that the poem was about high schooler or an older crowd that were cool, went to school, hung out late,had sex and soon die. Then Sweeney showed us a video, which was Gwendolyn Brook actualy talking about how the poem was banned,how it was about her seeing kids in the pool hall and about how "we jazz june" had nothing to do with having sex. I thought the poem was pretty straight forward and I like the tone of the poem.
Monday, March 4, 2013
The Glass Menagerie
I have actually enjoyed reading and watching the
play The Glass Menagerie at first I thought it was just going to be another
boring play that we'd have to read then write a paper on, but clearly I was
wrong. Throughout the play I picked up on several symbols in which helped me
write my paper on. The symbol that most related to me was the glass unicorn. To
Laura the glass unicorn meant a lot to her, because unicorns are a made up
creatures and they are different from all the other horses. Everyone has a
trait that makes them different from everyone else. What set Laura apart from
everyone else was that she was cripple. Being cripple made a large impact on
Laura’s life because to me she let her disability get the best of her. I think
if she didn't have that disability she probably wouldn't have been so shy and
she probably would have had a lot more confidence in herself. When the horn
broke off the glass unicorn Laura claimed it was a blessing in disguise, which
to me meant it was like a sigh of relief like she’s finally free and doesn't care
that she’s different.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Hills Like White Elephants
Hills Like White Elephants is about an American man and a girl that are in Barcelona. They are talking and drinking beer in a train station . At first I just thought they were casually talking and drinking and i did know that the girl was getting some kind of operation. In class we discussed that the girl was getting an abortion. I was caught off guard because that was the last thing I even expected to happen. We also discovered that there is an age difference between the man and the girl because thought the story the girl has a name which is Jig but is referred to as "girl" while the man is referred to as "the man". The man suggest that she should get the abortion but she travels on a train to leave. I think don't think she got the abortion because at first she seemed as if she were scared and then she lighten up about it and decided to keep her child. The man could of had a wife or something back in America but we don't i think that he did because even though the age difference why else wouldn't he have wanted to keep the baby? Since the class discussion I've understood the story a lot better and I actually liked it. I researched "White Elephant" and the definition was "for a valuable but burdensome possession of which its owner cannot dispose and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness or worth." That also lead me to the conclusion that she did not have the abortion.
Friday, January 25, 2013
First Blog
In the short story The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, the main character is a Native American that's being judge upon his race. One night he goes into 7-11 to buy a Creamsicle and as soon as the clerk sees him he instantly thinks he is a armed robber since he looks "dangerous". Soon while paying for the Creamsicle the Native American man tries to start small talk but he can easily tell that the man feels threaten. Also, another way that the man is being judge upon his race was when he got stopped by the police officer and the officer tells him that he doesn't look like the profile of the neighborhood. All the man was trying to do was blow some steam off since him and his girlfriend got into an argument.Living with his girlfriend who is white and with him being native american and with the area being mostly white I could imagine that he gets judged a lot.
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